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ZTX Metaverse (Airdrop Soon)

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Build, Play, Earn: Welcome to ZTX.
Decentralized worlds and games represent a new digital frontier, laying the foundation for ownership, communities, and the internet economy, all while onboarding the next generation of crypto users.
Until now, these goals have been challenging to reach for many Web3 metaverse projects. The balance between incentives and fun has been hard to achieve. These were our driving factors behind the launch of ZTX.

Welcome to ZTX.


ZTX builds upon the foundation and success of ZEPETO, the largest metaverse platform in Asia with over 430M registered users. Prioritizing interoperability and scalability, ZTX harnesses blockchain technology to empower players, creators, and communities.
ZTX embodies three core pillars: Identity, Experience, and Creator Development.
  • Identity: ZTX takes avatar identity and experience to new heights. Extending what currently exists in ZEPETO, ZTX not only empowers users to create their digital identity, it also leverages their creativity and monetizes their time through actual on-chain ownership of assets.
  • Experience: ZTX offers a range of experiences for all types of users, and will integrate social aspects into its multi-layered approach to building a world. First, ZTX introduces innovative concepts like free land ownership along with crafting assets and land development. Users will be able to take advantage of the highly customizable decorator modes to create their digital homes and eventually invite friends over. Future plans for ZTX include integrating aspects of decentralized finance, establishing a multi-tiered economy, self-governed Districts, portal games, and much more.
  • Creator Development: ZTX empowers not only creators but also players and communities to monetize through gameplay. For creators, ZTX offers a new medium to express themselves, grow their fan base, and earn from asset and experience creation. It is a platform that serves as a playground for creativity and community, enabling users of all backgrounds to chart their journeys in a digital world beyond the physical.

X:  https://twitter.com/ZTXofficial


Decentralized worlds




Airdrop Soon

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